Bye bottlenecks.
Hello Hypotenuse.

Hypotenuse AI instantly creates factually accurate marketing copy, blog posts, product descriptions and more using knowledge from around the web. Our proprietary models are trained on high-conversion marketing copy to generate quality content at scale.

Retail & Ecommerce

In this industry, businesses face challenges in product differentiation, scalability of copy creation, and maintaining consistent brand tone across various product descriptions. Overcoming these challenges is crucial for success in a highly competitive market.

Sales & Marketing

In this industry, businesses face challenges in standing out amidst increasing competition, managing time constraints in content creation, and maintaining consistent brand identity. Overcoming these challenges is crucial for businesses to thrive in a competitive market and effectively engage their customers.


In this industry, businesses face challenges in increasing organic traffic, understanding user intent, establishing internal links, and producing high-quality content. Overcoming these challenges is crucial for businesses to succeed in the highly competitive world of search results.

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Custom brand voice & templates
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Seamless API integrations
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