Bespoke brand voice

Most AI tools don’t get your brand voice right

They take your brand voice at face value—with just a few generic words. Our bespoke AI models are trained on your past writings, brand guides and to create content that looks and sounds just like you.

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Write using an AI that learns and improves with you

Instead of telling our AI you’re quirky, bold and passionate—which can be subjective—we show it with your best articles, social media posts, 100-page dos and don’ts guide and more.
Our feedback loop helps the AI learn as you go—your thumbs-ups reinforces it, your hey-that-doesn’t-sound-like-us tells it where it went wrong.
Ilustración de la variación

Enforce your style guide everywhere easily

Set your custom format for any content type—whether it’s a unique set of bullets your brand sticks to or your special style of paragraphing.
Automatically include words owned by your brand, or exclude banned words in specific places or throughout.

Stay on-brand with an AI trained for you

Consistently on-brand

Too many in-house or freelance copywriters dilute your brand voice. Train one AI model to write all your content and have them sound like you all the time.

Adapted to different content types

Your brand can sound slightly different on a blog article, an Instagram post, and a product description. Our AI learns your way and adjusts to the content type.

Easily conduct brand audits

How do you ensure all 10,000 pieces of content adhere to your brand voice? Take it easy on your brand team. Run your content through our brand checkers for quick feedback and edits.

Enterprise-grade privacy and security

Your bespoke AI model is trained for you and remains yours. All your data is private to you and securely stored.

Preguntas frecuentes

How is Hypotenuse AI’s brand voice different from others?
What if I only have a rough idea of what my brand voice sounds like?
Can I have more than one brand voice?

"Introducimos cientos de productos al mes y necesitábamos implantar rápidamente una solución elegante. Hypotenuse es sin duda la mejor herramienta, rápida, sencilla, fiable y escalable".

Crystal Ramírez

Vicepresidente, Tobi

"Puedo producir cientos de descripciones de productos a la vez, personalizando fácilmente el tono, el estilo y el contenido para que coincidan exactamente con la voz de nuestra marca, reduciendo el tiempo de producción, liberando recursos y mejorando drásticamente nuestra experiencia de usuario en general."

Kristin Minasian

Productora de contenidos digitales, Living Spaces

Talk to us and see how AI can work for you

See why 500,000+ companies use Hypotenuse AI.
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